In this paper we present an overview of a software package called DROPS, which has recently been developed at the IGPM (Institut für Geometrie und Praktische Mathematik) at the Aachen University of Technology. This development is still continuing and our aim is to build an efficient software tool for the numerical simulation of incompressible In the field of incompressible CFD already quite a few packages exist. The state of the art, however, is such that for com- plicated three-dimensional dynamics (e. g. turbulent multiphase reacting with free boundaries) a black-box solver is not yet available. The DROPS package is developed in an interdisciplinary project (SFB 540 \Model-based Experimental Analysis of Kinetic Phe- nomena in Fluid Multi-phase Reactive Systems", cf. [36]) where complicated phenomena are investigated. The modeling of several complex physical phenomena in this project (e. g., mass transfer between liquid drops and a surrounding or the dynamics and heat transport in a laminar falling film) requires a efficient and robust CFD package. Our aim is to provide such a tool. From the scientific computing point of view it is of interest to develop a CFD code in which several modern numerical techniques which have recently been introduced in the literature are implemented. Examples of such techniques are error estimation methods for Navier-Stokes equations ([18, 33]), fast and robust iterative solvers for discretized Navier-Stokes equations with large Reynolds numbers ([15, 16]) and level set methods for two-phase ([37, 44]). In this paper we describe the main components of the DROPS package and show results of a few first applications. At the end of the paper an outlook concerning the further development of the code in the near future is given. |