294 RWTH Publication No: 47310        2009        IGPM294.pdf
TITLE A Unified Approach to the Modeling of Airplane Wings and Numerical Grid Generation Using B-Spline Representations
AUTHORS Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Wolfgang Dahmen, Philipp Lamby
ABSTRACT In this article we summarize the development of a unified platform for treating the entire range of geometric preprocessing tasks that preceded the wind tunnel readings and the numerical simulations performed in the collaborative research center SFB 401. In particular, this includes the automated generation of the CAD models which were used for manufacturing multi-parted wing-fuselage configurations as well as the generation of the numerical grids for the corresponding, adaptive numerical simulations.
KEYWORDS B–splines, approximation, fairing, offset curves, grid generation
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-04088-7
PUBLICATION Notes on numerical fluid mechanics and multidisciplinary design:
NNFM 109, 239-264 (2010)