323 RWTH Publication No: 47312        2011        IGPM323.pdf
TITLE Adaptivity and Variational Stabilization for Convection-Diffusion Equations
AUTHORS Albert Cohen, Wolfgang Dahmen, Gerrit Welper
ABSTRACT In this paper we propose and analyze stable variational formulations for convection diffusion problems starting from concepts introduced by Sangalli. We derive efficient and reliable a posteriori error estimators that are based on these formulations. The analysis of resulting adaptive solution con- cepts reveals partly unexpected phenomena related to the specific nature of the norms induced by the variational formulation. Several remedies are explored and illustrated by numerical experiments.
KEYWORDS variational problems, adaptivity, a–posteriori error estimators, stabilization
DOI 10.1051/m2an/2012003
PUBLICATION Mathematical modelling and numerical analysis = Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique
46(5), 1247-1273 (2012)