393 RWTH Publication No: 230254        2014        IGPM393.pdf
TITLE 3D Incompressible Two-Phase Flow Benchmark Computations for Rising Droplets
AUTHORS Jutta Adelsberger, Patrick Esser, Michael Griebel, Sven Groß, Margit Klitz, Alexander Rüttgers
ABSTRACT We perform 3D incompressible two-phase flow simulations of rising droplets. Based on a similar 2D benchmark, a 3D benchmark configuration with two test cases is formulated in which we compare the flow solvers DROPS, NaSt3DGPF and OpenFOAM. All codes adopt different numerical techniques. We define several quantities of interest and investigate their temporal evolution in both test cases. For most benchmark variables we obtain a high level of agreement and establish reference data for other flow solvers.
KEYWORDS two-phase flow, benchmark simulations, three-dimensional computations, parallel computing, rising droplets
PUBLICATION Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), Barcelona, Spain, 2014.