651 RWTH Publication No: 988960        2024       
TITLE A convergent adaptive finite element stochastic Galerkin method based on multilevel expansions of random fields
AUTHORS Markus Bachmayr, Martin Eigel, Henrik Eisenmann, Igor Voulis
ABSTRACT The subject of this work is an adaptive stochastic Galerkin finite element method for parametric or random elliptic partial differential equations, which generates sparse product polynomial expansions with respect to the parametric variables of solutions. For the corresponding spatial approximations, an independently refined finite element mesh is used for each polynomial coefficient. The method relies on multilevel expansions of input random fields and achieves error reduction with uniform rate. In particular, the saturation property for the refinement process is ensured by the algorithm. The results are illustrated by numerical experiments, including cases with random fields of low regularity.
KEYWORDS stochastic Galerkin method, finite elements, frame-based error estimation, multilevel expansions of random fields