Tensor Node Notation

Tensor Node Notation

Common Representations

We now have enough tools to use tensor nodes as representations in the most common tensor formats, such as TT, Tucker, binary HT or CP-decompositions (and in fact any other network).
The rules of boxtimes together with the mode names of the nodes define these formats and any parts of such themselves.
alpha = mna('alpha',1:4);
beta = [mna('beta',1:4),'beta_1_2','beta_3_4'];
n_alpha = assign_mode_size(alpha,10);
n_beta = assign_mode_size(beta,2);
n_gamma = assign_mode_size({'gamma'},2);
n = merge_fields(n_alpha,n_beta,n_gamma)
n = struct with fields:
alpha_1: 10
alpha_2: 10
alpha_3: 10
alpha_4: 10
beta_1: 2
beta_2: 2
beta_3: 2
beta_4: 2
beta_1_2: 2
beta_3_4: 2
gamma: 2

Tensor Train (or Matrix Products States)

As first example, we initialize a TT/MPS representations of a 4-dimensional tensor randomly.
G = cell(1,4);
G{1} = init_node([alpha(1),beta(1)],n);
G{2} = init_node([beta(1),alpha(2),beta(2)],n);
G{3} = init_node([beta(2),alpha(3),beta(3)],n);
G{4} = init_node([beta(3),alpha(4)],n);
G = randomize_net(G);
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_1' 'beta_1'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [10×2 double]
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_1' 'alpha_2' 'beta_2'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×10×2 double]
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_2' 'alpha_3' 'beta_3'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×10×2 double]
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_3' 'alpha_4'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×10 double]
The structure of the network behind this TT-representation is, as mentioned above, automatically determined by the mode names in the single nodes. Matlab might plot it in an unfamiliar way though.
We can also calculate the full tensor. We should of course only enter this if dimension and mode sizes are not too large.
T = boxtimes(G)
T = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_1' 'alpha_2' 'alpha_3' 'alpha_4'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [10×10×10×10 double]
At this point we can compare the number of entries contained in both T and G.
ans = 10001
ans = 121
To access a single entry, we call
I = {6,4,2,3};
T_I = node_part(T,alpha,I)
T_I = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_1' 'alpha_2' 'alpha_3' 'alpha_4'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: -9.7210e-04
ans = -9.7210e-04
If we want to avoid the full tensor, we may as well call
G1_I1 = node_part(G{1},alpha{1},I{1});
G2_I2 = node_part(G{2},alpha{2},I{2});
G3_I3 = node_part(G{3},alpha{3},I{3});
G4_I4 = node_part(G{4},alpha{4},I{4});
T_I = boxtimes(G1_I1,G2_I2,G3_I3,G4_I4);
ans = -9.7210e-04
Or we restrict the entire representation and then call boxtimes (this does not construct the full tensor)
G_I = node_part(G,alpha,I);
net_view(G_I) % the legs are smaller now
boxtimes(G_I) % is still a tensor node
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_1' 'alpha_2' 'alpha_3' 'alpha_4'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: -9.7210e-04


In the case of the Tucker format, the different in the product
are, conventionally, often denoted .
C = init_node(beta(1:4),n);
U = cell(1,4);
for i = 1:4
U{i} = init_node([alpha(i),beta(i)],n);
C = randomize_node(C)
C = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_1' 'beta_2' 'beta_3' 'beta_4'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×2×2×2 double]
U = randomize_net(U);
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_1' 'beta_1'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [10×2 double]
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_2' 'beta_2'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [10×2 double]
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_3' 'beta_3'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [10×2 double]
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_4' 'beta_4'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [10×2 double]
The resulting network is again only depends on the mode names.
T = boxtimes(C,U)
T = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_1' 'alpha_2' 'alpha_3' 'alpha_4'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [10×10×10×10 double]

Binary HT-format

In case of the binary HT-format, we have to decide whether to actually use a root transfer tensor, or not. For now, we keep it, but in later steps we will ommit for reasons which will then become clear..
B12 = init_node(beta([1,2,5]),n);
B34 = init_node(beta([3,4,6]),n);
B12 = randomize_node(B12)
B12 = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_1' 'beta_2' 'beta_1_2'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×2×2 double]
B34 = randomize_node(B34)
B34 = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_3' 'beta_4' 'beta_3_4'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×2×2 double]
root_transfer_tensor = init_node(beta(5:6),n);
root_transfer_tensor = randomize_node(root_transfer_tensor)
root_transfer_tensor = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_1_2' 'beta_3_4'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×2 double]


This is the only case in which the multiplication of the single tensor nodes may not be performed in smaller steps, since all nodes share one common mode name.
Phi = cell(1,4);
for i = 1:4
Phi{i} = init_node([alpha(i),'gamma'],n);
Phi = randomize_net(Phi);
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_1' 'gamma'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [10×2 double]
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_2' 'gamma'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [10×2 double]
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_3' 'gamma'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [10×2 double]
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_4' 'gamma'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [10×2 double]


Formats with loops are possible as well
N = 4;
alpha = reshape(mna('alpha',1:N^2),[N,N]);
beta = reshape(mna('beta',1:N^2),[N,N]);
gamma = reshape(mna('gamma',1:N^2),[N,N]);
n_alpha = assign_mode_size(alpha,2);
n_beta = assign_mode_size(beta,2);
n_gamma = assign_mode_size(gamma,2);
n = merge_fields(n_alpha,n_beta,n_gamma);
P = cell(N,N);
for i = 1:N
for j = 1:N
mn = {alpha{i,j}};
if i < N
mn = [mn,beta{i,j}];
if i > 1
mn = [mn,beta{i-1,j}];
if j < N
mn = [mn,gamma{i,j}];
if j > 1
mn = [mn,gamma{i,j-1}];
P{i,j} = init_node(mn,n);
% P = P(:);
net_view(P); %,'Layout','force3') % might not look as nice as used to
Contracting this network for anything but mode size 2 would likely exceed memory capacities:
TP = boxtimes(P)
TP = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_1' 'alpha_2' 'alpha_3' 'alpha_4' 'alpha_5' 'alpha_6' 'alpha_7' 'alpha_8' 'alpha_9' 'alpha_10' 'alpha_11' 'alpha_12' 'alpha_13' 'alpha_14' 'alpha_15' 'alpha_16'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [16-D double]
numel(TP.data) % = 2^16
ans = 65536