Yuanjun Zhang


  • Modeling and numerical treatment of complex liquid-liquid interfaces.
  • Software development (DROPS package)



  • Yuanjun Zhang, Arnold Reusken: Numerical simulation of incompressible flows with particle-laden interfaces Presented at 2nd International Conference on Computational Engineering, Darmstadt, Germany, October 4, 2011.
  • Yuanjun Zhang, Arnold Reusken: Numerical simulation of incompressible flows with particle-laden interfaces Presented at 16th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems, Munich, Germany, March 23, 2011.


CIHPC 2010, Schwetzingen 4.TMFB International Workshop, Aachen ACCES 2013, Aachen


  • SS 14: Mathematisches Praktikum
  • SS 13: Numerik I für Maschinenbauer
  • SS 12: Mathematisches Praktikum
  • SS 11: Seminar zur Numerischen Analysis
  • WS 10/11: Seminar zur Numerischen Analysis