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EEG/MEG Inverse Problems
C. H. Wolters, L. Grasedyck, W. Hackbusch:
Efficient Computation of Lead Field Bases and Influence Matrix
for the FEM-based EEG and MEG Inverse Problem.
Part I: Complexity Considerations.
Inverse Probems 20: 1099-1116, 2004.
Preprint version
C. H. Wolters, L. Grasedyck, A. Anwander, W. Hackbusch:
Efficient Computation of Lead Field Bases and Influence Matrix
for the FEM-based EEG and MEG Inverse Problem.
Proc. of the 14th Int. Conf. on Biomagnetism,
Halgren, E., Ahlfors, S., Hämäläinen, M.
and Cohen, D. (eds.).
Biomag 2004 Ltd, Boston Massachusetts, USA: 104-107, 2004.
C. H. Wolters, H. Köstler, C. M&oml;ller, J. Härdtlein, L. Grasedyck, W. Hackbusch:
Numerical mathematics for the modeling of a current dipole in
EEG source reconstruction
using finite element head models.
SIAM J. on Scientific Computing 30:24-45, 2007.
Preprint version
F. Drechsler, C. Wolters, T. Dierkes, H. Si, L. Grasedyck:
A highly accurate full subtraction approach for dipole
modelling in EEG
source analysis using the finite element method.
NeuroImage 46:1055-1065, 2009.
Preprint version