239 | RWTH Publication No: 47180 2004   IGPM239.pdf |
TITLE | A Stokes Interface Problem: Stability, Finite Element Analysis and a Robust Solver |
AUTHORS | Maxim A. Olshanskii, Arnold Reusken |
ABSTRACT | We consider a stationary Stokes problem with a piecewise constant viscosity coefficient. For the variational formulation of this problem in H10 X L02 we prove a well-posedness result in which the constants are uniform with respect to the jump in the viscosity coefficient. For a standard discretization with a pair of LBB stable finite element spaces we prove an infsup stability result uniform with respect to the jump in the viscosity coefficient. From this we derive an estimate for the discretization error. We introduce a robust preconditioner for the Schur complement of the discrete system. Results of numerical experiments are presented. |
KEYWORDS | Stokes equations, interface problem, two-phase flows, finite elements, preconditioning |
PUBLICATION | Proceedings / ECCOMAS 2004, 4th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering : Jyväskylä, Finland, 24 - 28 July 2004 / [organised in co-operation with ECCOMAS, the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences ...]. - Vol. 1: Plenary sessions, invited parallel sessions, contributed sessions and posters. - Vol. 2: Minisymposia and special technology sessions |