346 RWTH Publication No: 47336        2012        IGPM346.pdf
TITLE A Finite Element Level Set Redistancing Method Based on Gradient Recovery
AUTHORS Arnold Reusken
ABSTRACT We introduce a new redistancing method for level set functions. This method applies in a finite element setting and uses a gradient recovery technique. Based on the recovered gradient a quasi-normal field on the zero level of the finite element level set function is defined and from this an approximate signed distance function is determined. For this redistancing method rigorous error bounds are derived. For example, the distance between the original zero level and the zero level after redistancing can be shown to be bounded by ch k+1, if finite elements of degree k are used in the discretization.
KEYWORDS level set method, reinitialization, redistancing, gradient recovery
DOI 10.1137/120895433
PUBLICATION SIAM journal on numerical analysis
51(5), 2723-2745 (2013)