391 RWTH Publication No: 230368        2014        IGPM391.pdf
TITLE High-Order Accurate, Fully Discrete Entropy Stable Schemes for Scalar Conservation Laws
AUTHORS Hamed Zakerzadeh, Ulrik S. Fjordholm
ABSTRACT The recently developed TECNO schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws are designed to be high-order accurate and entropy stable, but are, as of yet, only semi-discrete. We perform an explicit discretization of the temporal derivative to obtain a fully discrete scheme, and derive a non-strict CFL condition that ensures global entropy stability. The scheme is tested in a series of numerical experiments.
KEYWORDS conservation laws, entropy stable schemes, fully discrete schemes
DOI 10.1093/imanum/drv020
PUBLICATION IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis (2016)
36 (2), 633-654