Functional Analysis in WS 2024/2025

Prof. Dr. Siegfried Müller
Tim Werthmann


Lecture Monday, 08:30 - 10:00
Thursday, 08:30 - 10:00
Tutorial Friday, 16:30 - 18:00 1010|149

News and General Information

This course is offered for the english master students in applied mathematics only. All other students please refer to the German version of the course, called Funktionalanalysis, which has the same contents.

More details and updates during the semester will be made available through the platform in the RWTHmoodle


Students can register for the course via RWTH Online. Then you will automatically be given access to the learning platform in the RWTHmoodle.

Content and References

To understand the course, knowledge of the Lebesgue measure theory is required!

The course is based on the book
  • A. Bressan: Lecture Notes on Functional Analysis: With Applications to Linear Partial Differential Equations (Graduate Studies in Mathematics).

For further reading the following reference is recommended:
  • H. W. Alt: Linear Functional Analysis: An Application-Oriented Introduction.

Tutorials and Exam

To support the learning progress, every week on Thursday a practice sheet will be published online on RWTHmoodle to be solved as homework.
  • Students are required to upload their solution to at least 50% of these assignments and at least 10 different sheets to RWTHmoodle in order to be admitted to the exam.
  • Further, students are required to present and explain their solution 3 times in the Tutorial in order to be admitted to the exam.
  • The course will be examined via an oral examination.