Professor Dr. Wolfgang Dahmen


CV in PDF-Form

Personal Data

19.10.1949 born in Linnich, Germany
German citizan, married, one child
1968 - 1970 army service



1974 diploma in Mathematics/Secondary Physics, RWTH Aachen
1976 Ph D (Dr. rer. nat.), RWTH Aachen
1981 Habilitation (Mathematics), University of Bonn

Professional Experience

1974 - 1976 Research Assistant, Lehrstuhl A für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen
1976 - 1981 Wissenschaftlicher Assistent, Institute of Applied Mathematics
1979 - 1980 Research Fellowship, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA
1981-1987 Professor (C3) Mathematics, University of Bielefeld
1987 - 1992 Professor (C4) Mathematics, Free University of Berlin
1992 - 2017 Professor (C4) Mathematics, RWTH Aachen
May 1998 Offer of the position of the Director of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, Purdue University, USA
Feb. 2003 Offer of a full Professorship, DFG Research Center, TU Berlin
Aug. 2005 Adjunct professorship, University of Columbia, South Carolina, USA