Tensor Node Notation

Tensor Node Notation

Node-QR and Node-SVD


The node-qr is the simple analoge of a matrix-qr for tensor nodes.
In order to proceed a node-qr, we only need to specifiy a mode name in which we want to perform the orthogonalization:
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_1' 'beta_1'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [10×2 double]
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_1' 'alpha_2' 'beta_2'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×10×2 double]
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_2' 'alpha_3' 'beta_3'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×10×2 double]
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_3' 'alpha_4'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×10 double]
n = node_size(G)
n = struct with fields:
alpha_1: 10
alpha_2: 10
alpha_3: 10
alpha_4: 10
beta_1: 2
beta_2: 2
beta_3: 2
[Q,R] = node_qr(G{1},'beta_1')
Q = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_1' 'beta_1'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [10×2 double]
R = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_1' 'beta_1'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×2 double]
Q is now -orthogonal and .
QT_alpha_Q = boxtimes(node_transpose(Q),Q,'_','alpha_1')
QT_alpha_Q = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_1' 'beta_1'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×2 double]
ans = 2×2
1.0000 0
0 1.0000
ans = 2×2
0.5084 0.3404
0 0.7910
If we set and then we have not changed the tensor represented by G, yet is now -orthogonal - or left-orthogonal.
G{1} = Q;
G{2} = boxtimes(R,G{2});
We can also right-orthogonalize and . At this point it may feel unusual not transpose R or similar when right-orthogonalizing. Due to the mode name notation, we however do not need to do this. We just have to keep in mind which side of R belongs to Q, which is the left side. Hence, in the following example, the right side belongs to .
[Q,R] = node_qr(G{4},'beta_3');
G{4} = Q;
G{3} = boxtimes(R,G{3});
[Q,R] = node_qr(G{3},'beta_2');
G{3} = Q;
G{2} = boxtimes(R,G{2});
The network G is now orthogonal with respect to . This simplifies the calculation of the norm of the represented tensor:
ans = 0.3062
ans = 0.3062
T = boxtimes(G);
ans = 0.3062


Similarly, we need to specify which mode names we want to split in the SVD, and also how we want to name the new mode names, which will appear in σ.
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_1' 'beta_1'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [10×2 double]
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_2' 'beta_1' 'alpha_2'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×2×10 double]
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_3' 'alpha_3' 'beta_2'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×10×2 double]
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_4' 'beta_3'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [10×2 double]
[U,sigma,V] = node_svd(G{2},{'beta_1','alpha_2'},'beta_2')
U = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_1' 'alpha_2' 'beta_2'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×10×2 double]
sigma = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_2'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×1 double]
V = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_2' 'beta_2'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×2 double]
We will see easier ways to check the distance between the two tensor nodes in subsequent worksheets, but for now:
ans = 6.6692e-17
We have to be careful not to contract here:
G{2} = U;
warning('wrong contraction')
Warning: wrong contraction
sV = boxtimes(sigma,V,'^','beta_2')
sV = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_2' 'beta_2'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×2 double]
For vectors nodes there is a simple functionality:
Sigma = matrix_node_diag(sigma)
Sigma = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_2' 'beta_2'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×2 double]
sV = boxtimes(Sigma,V)
sV = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_2' 'beta_2'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×2 double]
G{3} = boxtimes(V,G{3})
G = 1×4 cell array
{1×1 struct} {1×1 struct} {1×1 struct} {1×1 struct}
At this point, is an SVD of with respect to (because we orthogonalized G with respect to in the previous section). Note that we only form T to confirm the result.
[U_T,sigma_T,V_T] = node_svd(T,{'alpha_1','alpha_2'},'beta_2')
U_T = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_1' 'alpha_2' 'beta_2'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [10×10×2 double]
sigma_T = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_2'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×1 double]
V_T = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_2' 'alpha_3' 'alpha_4'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×10×10 double]
We compare the singular vectors of both SVDs:
U_U_T = boxtimes(boxtimes(G(1:2)),U_T,'_',{'alpha_1','alpha_2'})
U_U_T = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_2' 'beta_2'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×2 double]
net_view({G(1:2)},U_T,'_',{'alpha_1','alpha_2'}) % net_view is smart here
unfold(U_U_T,'beta_2','beta_2') % same singular vectors
ans = 2×2
-1.0000 -0.0000
0.0000 -1.0000
unfold(boxtimes(boxtimes(G(3:4)),V_T,'_',{'alpha_3','alpha_4'}) ,'beta_2','beta_2') % same here
ans = 2×2
-1.0000 -0.0000
0.0000 -1.0000
ans = 2×1
ans = 2×1

The algorithms ORTHO.m and PATHQR.m

Instead of manual node-QRs we can use to orthogonalize any tree network to one node r, just as we did before with the tensor train format. ORTHO expects N to be a cell containing the nodes of the network corresponding to a tree graph (not a hypergraph!). Each node must not have dublicate mode names. Every mode name must further appear in at most two nodes. We call such a plain network.
help ORTHO
ORTHO Orthogonalization with respect to node r of a tree network

N = ORTHO(N,r) orthogonalizes the network N with respect to the root

N must be a cell containing the tensor nodes of the network. Each node
must not have dublicate mode names. Every mode name must further appear
in at most two nodes (we call this a plain network).

N = ORTHO(N,r,G) expects G to be the same as net_derive_G(N) and does
hence not need to calculate the graph G corresponding to the tree

See also: tensor_node_notation5_node_qr_and_node_svd.mlx, PATHQR,
dbtype ORTHO.m 18:36 % it is a rather short code
18 if nargin <= 2
19 G = net_derive_G(N);
20 end
22 ORTHOREC(r,[]);
24 function ORTHOREC(b,P)
25 for h = int_setdiff(neighbors(G,b)',P)
26 ORTHOREC(h,b);
27 end
29 if ~isempty(P)
30 gamma = str_intersect(N{P}.mode_names,N{b}.mode_names);
31 [Q,R] = node_qr(N{b},gamma);
32 N{b} = Q;
33 N{P} = boxtimes(R,N{P});
34 end
35 end
36 end
Net = [U,C];
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_1' 'beta_1'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [10×2 double]
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_2' 'beta_2'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [10×2 double]
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_3' 'beta_3'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [10×2 double]
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'alpha_4' 'beta_4'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [10×2 double]
ans = struct with fields:
mode_names: {'beta_1' 'beta_2' 'beta_3' 'beta_4'}
pos: [1×1 struct]
data: [2×2×2×2 double]
T = boxtimes(Net);
Net = ORTHO(Net,2);
ans = 0.0674
ans = 0.0674
Once a network is orthogonal to a node r, it suffices to call PATHQR to change the orthogonalization:
type PATHQR.m
function [N,t,P] = PATHQR(N,s,t,G)
% PATHQR changes the orthogonalization of a plain network
% PATHQR(N,s,t) takes a network orthogonalized to s and changes the
% orthogonalization to t. The network must be plain, for example the
% output of ORTHO(N,s).

if nargin <= 3
G = net_derive_G(N);

P = shortestpath(G,s,t);

for i = 1:length(P)-1
b = P(i); h = P(i+1);
gamma = str_intersect(N{b}.mode_names,N{h}.mode_names);
[Q,R] = node_qr(N{b},gamma);
N{b} = Q;
N{h} = boxtimes(R,N{h});
Net = PATHQR(Net,2,5);
ans = 0.0674