Aktuelle Themen aus der Numerik im SoSe 2023
Veranstalter:Prof. Bachmayr ■ Prof. Grasedyck ■ Prof. Grepl ■ Prof. Herty ■ Prof. Müller ■ Prof. Noelle ■ Prof. Reusken
Termin | Ort/Zeit | Vortragende(r) | Thema |
25.04.2023 | R149/14:00 | Prof. Vladimir Kazeev (University of Vienna) | Low-rank tensor frames for multilevel adaptivity in the numerical solution of PDEs |
08.08.2023 | R149/9:30 | Fabian Faulstich, Ph.D. (University of California, Berkeley | Strongly correlated quantum chemistry: numerical analysis and application of the tailored coupled cluster method |
Vorträge in früheren Semestern: [ WS 2022/2023 ] [ SS 2022 ] [ WS 2019/2020 ] [ SS 2019 ] [ WS 2018/2019 ] [ SS 2018 ] [ WS 2017/2018 ]
Informationen bei: Siegfried Müller ✉