Karl-Heinz Brakhage
Selected Publications and Software
Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen und Software
The icosahedra of edge length 1
Journal of Algebra, Volume 545, 1 March 2020, Pages 4-26
Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Alice Niemeyer, Wilhelm Plesken, Daniel Robertz, Ansgar Strzelczyk
arXiv.org arXiv:1903.08278
Dynamische Deklination Platonischer und Archimedischer Körper
Talk at the 40. Österreichische Fortbildungstagung für Geometrie
Strobl, 7. bis 9. November 2019, Österreich
Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Claus Pütz
Program and Additional Info
Journal for Geometry and Graphics, Volume 21 (2017), No. 2, 141-152
Ansgar Strzelczyk, Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Alice Niemeyer, Wilhelm Plesken
Proceedings of The 17th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics
ICGG 2016, 4-8 August, Beijing, China
Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Claus Pütz
Proceedings of The 17th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics
ICGG 2016, 4-8 August, Beijing, China
Ansgar Strzelczyk, Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Alice Niemeyer, Wilhelm Plesken
Analyse wandelbarer, starrer Faltstrukturen mit Anwendungsbeispielen
Die Basis der Vielfalt - Geometrie als Grundlage und Anregung des Denkens (pp190-205), Udo Beyer (editor)
Springer Verlag, ISBN 978-3-658-14125-7, DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-14126-4
Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Henri Buffart
Modelling of the Grinding Wheel Structure Depending on the Volumetric Composition
- Procedia CIRP, Volume 46, 2016, Pages 276-280, 7th HPC 2016 - CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting
- Fritz Klocke, Sebastian Barth, Christian Wrobel, Markus Weiß, Patrick Mattfeld, Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Michael Rom
- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2016.04.066
Mathematical modeling of ceramic bond bridges in grinding wheels
Analytical investigations for the design of fast approximation methods for fitting curves and surfaces to scattered data
Fast Approximation Methods for Fitting Surfaces to Unorganized Point Clouds
MASCOT15 Proceedings - IMACS Series in Computational and Applied Mathematics (in press).
IGPM Preprint 438, 2015
Karl-Heinz Brakhage
Mathematical Modeling of Ceramic-Bonded Grinding Wheel Structures,
MASCOT15 Proceedings - IMACS Series in Computational and Applied Mathematics (in press)
IGPM Preprint 437, 2015
Michael Rom, Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Sebastian Barth, Christian Wrobel, Patrick Mattfeld, Fritz Klocke
Dynamic Geometry and Website Setup by Automatic Object Recognition of Free-Hand Drawings and Scans,
Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics
ICGG 2014, 4-8 August, Innsbruck, Austria
Karl-Heinz Brakhage
Reparametrization and Volume Mesh Generation for Computational Fluid Dynamics
Using Modified Catmull-Clark Methods
In Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces, volume 8177 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, pages 425-441.
Michael Rom, Karl-Heinz Brakhage
Grinding Wheel Modeling: Development of a mathematical Model ,
MASCOT11 Proceedings - IMACS Series in Computational and Applied Mathematics - ISSN 1098-870X, 2013
Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Fritz Klocke, Marcel Makowski, Markus Weiss
Volume Mesh Generation for Numerical Flow Simulations using
Catmull-Clark and Surface Approximation Methods,
IGPM Preprint 334 - extended version of:
Proceedings of the 20th International Meshing Round Table, Paris, October 23-26, 2011
Michael Rom, Karl-Heinz Brakhage
Volume Mesh Generation for Numerical Flow Simulations using
Catmull-Clark and Surface Approximation Methods
Proceedings of the 20th International Meshing Round Table, Paris, October 23-26, 2011
Michael Rom, Karl-Heinz Brakhage
Isosurface Extraction: Generalized Adaptive Marching Cubes ,
MASCOT10 Proceedings - IMACS Series in Computational and Applied Mathematics - ISSN 1098-870X, 2011
Karl-Heinz Brakhage
Modeling with and Approximation and Fairing Algorithms for B-splines ,
MASCOT09 Proceedings - IMACS Series in Computational and Applied Mathematics - ISSN 1098-870X, 2010
Karl-Heinz Brakhage
Aero-structural Dynamics Experiments at High Reynolds Numbers ,
Summary of Flow Modulation and Fluid-Structure Interaction Findings (W. Schröder, ed.),
Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design Vol. 109, 389-424, 2010,
ISBN 978-3-642-04088-7
Josef Ballmann, Athanasios Dafnis, Arndt Baars, Alexander Boucke, Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Carsten Braun, et al.
A Unified Approach to the Modeling of Airplane Wings and Numerical Grid Generation
using B-Spline Representations,
Summary of Flow Modulation and Fluid-Structure Interaction Findings (W. Schröder, ed.),
Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design Vol. 109, 239-264, 2010,
ISBN 978-3-642-04088-7
Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Wolfgang Dahmen, Philipp Lamby
SFB Wing Model
Aero-Structural Wind Tunnel Experiments with Elastic Wing Models at High Reynolds Numbers (HIRENASD - ASDMAD),
AIAA 900841,
48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 4 - 7 , 2010, Orlando, Florida
J. Ballmann1, A. Boucke, B.-H. Chen, L.Reimer, M. Behr, A. Dafnis, C. Buxel, S. Buesing, H.-G. Reimerdes,
K.-H. Brakhage, H. Olivier (all RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
M. Kordt , J. Brink-Spalink, F. Theurich, A. Büscher (all Airbus GmbH, Germany)
Numerical simulations for preparing new ASD experiments in ETW with a modified HIRENASD wing model ,
International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics (IFASD),
Paper IFASD-2009-131,Seattle, June 22-24, 2009
Chen, B.-H., Brakhage, K.-H., Behr, M., Ballmann, J
Grid Generation and Grid Conversion by Subdivision Schemes,
Proceedings of the
11th International Conference on
Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulations,
May 24-28, 2009,
Montreal, Canada
Karl-Heinz Brakhage
Generalized Adaptive Marching Cubes
Proceedings of: 5. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geometrie und Grafik
Geometrie und Visualisierung,
February 26-27, 2009, Munich, p19-24
Karl-Heinz Brakhage
Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics,
August 3-8, 2008, Dresden (Germany), ISBN: 978-3-86780-042-6
Karl-Heinz Brakhage
Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics,
August 3-8, 2008, Dresden (Germany), ISBN: 978-3-86780-042-6
Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Claus Pütz
Application of B-Spline Techniques to the Modeling of Airplane Wings and Numerical Grid Generation,
CAGD (Elsevier), Volume 25(9), 738-750(2008)
Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Philipp Lamby
SFB Wing Model
Experimental Analysis of High Reynolds Number Aero-Structural Dynamics in ETW,
AIAA 2008-841,
46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 7 - 10, 2008, Reno, Nevada
J. Ballmann,
A. Dafnis, H. Korsch, C. Buxel, H.-G. Reimerdes, K.-H. Brakhage,
H. Olivier, C. Braun, A. Baars, A. Boucke
Modified Catmull-Clark Methods for Modelling, Reparameterization and Grid Generation,
Proceedings of the
2. Internationales Symposium Geometrisches Modellieren Visualisieren und Bildverarbeitung ,
June 28-29, 2007,
HfT Stuttgart, Germany, ISBN 3-9808066-9-3, p109-114
Karl-Heinz Brakhage
Elliptic Grid Generation by B-Spline Collocation,
Proceedings of the
10th International Conference on
Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulations,
September 16-20, 2007,
FORTH, Crete, Greece, ISBN 9781604239768
Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Philipp Lamby
Modeling of Airplane Wings with Winglets,
Proceedings of the
10th International Conference on
Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulations,
September 16-20, 2007,
FORTH, Crete, Greece, ISBN 9781604239768
Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Philipp Lamby
Spline Techniques for Generating Surfaces with Practical Applications
Including Numerical Simulation and Manufacturing,
Awarded poster of the
Sixth International Conference on Curves and Surfaces,
June 29 - July 5, 2006,
Avignon - FRANCE
Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Philipp Lamby
Generating Airplane Wings for Numerical Simulation and Manufacturing,
Proceedings of the
9th International Conference on
Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulations,
June 11-18, 2005,
San Jose, California, USA, ISBN 9781604236828
Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Philipp Lamby
Numerical Grid Generation for Solving Navier-Stokes Equations Using B-Spline
Proceedings of the
9th International Conference on
Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulations,
June 11-18, 2005,
San Jose, California, USA, ISBN 9781604236828
Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Philipp Lamby
WinCAG-Education Software for Geometry,
Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on
Engineering Computer Graphics and Descriptive Geometry,
August 1-5, 2004, Guangzhou (China), ISBN 5-8037-0184, p312-315
Karl-Heinz Brakhage
Entwicklung einer geregelten Einheit für das manuelle Klebstoffauftragen
Schweißen und Schneiden 55(2003), Heft 12
Stefan Böhm, Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Claus Dilger, Tim Welters
WinCAG und der Einsatz im Fach Darstellende Geometrie für Architekten,
IBDG - Informationsblätter zur Darstellenden Geometrie (2003)
Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Claus Pütz
WinCAG : Lehr- und Lernsoftware zur (Computer-)Geometrie,
Proceedings of the
Dresden Symposium Geometry: constructive & kinematic,
February 27 - March 1, 2003, Dresden, ISBN 3-86005-394-9, p49-56
Karl-Heinz Brakhage
H-Adaptive Multiscale Schemes for the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations ---
Polyhedral Discretization, Data Compression and Mesh Generation.
(80 pages, >9MB!),
Numerical Notes on Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 84, 2003, pp 125-204
Josef Ballmann, Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Frank Bramkamp, Wolfgang Dahmen,
Birgit Gottschlich-Müller, Michael Hesse,
Philipp Lamby, Siegfried Müller,
ed.: J. Ballmann
CAGD Tools for High Quality Grid Generation and Sparse Representation,
Proceedings of the
8th International Conference on
Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulations,
June 2-6, 2002, Marriott Resort,
Honolulu, Hawai, USA, ISBN 0-9651627-4-5, p599-608
Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Philipp Lamby
High Quality Mesh Generation and Sparse Representation Using B-Splines,
Proceedings of the
7th International Conference on
Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulations,
September 25-28, 2000, Chateau Whistler Resort,
Whistler, British Columbia, Canada
Karl-Heinz Brakhage
Algebraic-Hyperbolic Grid Generation with Precise Control of Intersection
of Angles, Abstract
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 33(2000) pp 89-123
Report No. 163, August 1998, IGPM, RWTH Aachen
Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Siegfried Müller
A Didactical Concept for the Computer-Aided Demonstration of Different
Ways of Projection Used in Descriptive Geometry
Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Engineering Computer
Graphics and Descriptive Geometry, ISBN 0-620-26255-9, p617-621
Austin (1998)
Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Claus Pütz
B-Spline Applications for Numerically Controlled Milling
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Engineering Computer
Graphics and Descriptive Geometry,
Cracow (1996), ISBN 83-904805-5-7, p200-204
Karl-Heinz Brakhage
Ein Konzept zur Demonstration verschiedener Abbildungsarten
der Darstellenden Geometrie mit Hilfe des Rechners
Informationsblätter zur Darstellenden Geometrie
Heft 2/1992, Jg. 11
Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Claus Pütz
Numerical Treatment of Surface-Surface-Intersection and Contouring
Mathematical Methods in Computer Aided Geometric Design II
Tom Lyche and Larry L. Schumaker (ed.)
Academic Press (1992)
Karl-Heinz Brakhage
Ein Konzept zur Demonstration verschiedener Abbildungsarten der Darstellenden
Geometrie mit Hilfe des Rechners
Institutsbericht Nr. 70 mit Anhang
Institut für Geometrie und Praktische Mathematik der RWTH Aachen
Karl-Heinz Brakhage, Claus Pütz
Ein menugesteuertes, intelligentes System zur zwei- und dreidimensionalen Computergeometrie
- Fortschrittsberichte, VDI Reihe 20, Nr. 26
- VDI Verlag (1990)
- Karl-Heinz Brakhage
Rechnerische Behandlung von Flächen 2. Ordnung und Rotationsflächen
- Kurzfassungen der Vorträge des Fritz Hohenberg Gedächtniskolloqiums
- Hans Sachs und Hans Vogler (ed.), Seggauberg (1989)
- Karl-Heinz Brakhage
Ein zweidimensionales CAG-System zur Ingenieurausbildung in Darstellender Geometrie
- Institutsbericht Nr. 47
- Institut für Geometrie und Praktische Mathematik der RWTH Aachen (1987)
- Karl-Heinz Brakhage
CAG - Computer Aided Geometry
- Bedienungsanleitung
- Institut für Geometrie und Praktische Mathematik (1986-2002)
- Karl-Heinz Brakhage
- WinCAG die Schulungssoftware zur Darstellenden Geometrie